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LDAP and Synology Directory Server

waazdakka 7 years ago 0

Hi ! I'm missing some objects on my Synology Directory Server to fill the LDAP configuration.

I have only the Base DN, Bind DN, FQDN and password for the LDAP server. I'm missing the class to search, User attribute to search, and maybe some other elements I don't know for now.
How could I fill all fields to complete the configuration ?

Thanks !

Image 4

Image 5


Undefined index: key in /teampass/items.import.php on line 21

Renan Arcanjo 7 years ago updated by Telmo Rodrigues 7 years ago 2

 Undefined index: key in /teampass/items.import.php on line 21


Need help with the API

angelan96 7 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 7 years ago 3

I need some help please, I´m trying to access teampass data via API using a web browser.

The problem is that I´m doing something wrong cause I receive 404 error, could you tell me which is the path to teampass API?


LDAP and local accounts

Therion7777 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 2

My TeamPass is LDAP connected (AD) and logons of AD users works fine.
But I want to add the next local admin account (like an account "admin" is and I can do local login with it). After creating new user (admin_kb7777) I can't login, beacuse there is no such account at my ldap (and I don't want to add it to my AD; it has to be local teampass account).


show only custom fields filled

maiconstedille 7 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 7 years ago 1
was using version 2.1.27 and the custom fields of the objects were presented only those that were filled. I updated to version 2.1.28 and noticed that now we have the option to mask the custom fields, which is very good. But now even the empty custom fields are presented in the objects. Is it possible to show only those that are filled in objects?
It would be great if we could keep the new feature of 2.1.28 (custom fields masked), and also show only the custom fields that are filled.

Creation records by main administrator

dengolius 7 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 7 years ago 1

I think will be very helpful to add functionality like creation records with some data like passwords/links etc. by main administrator in different folders( that shared for users), as it work in last pass.

Now add records can be done only by user that have access into folder and nobody else... =(


hi, could you please allow to save credentials without password required also enable to save non http urls like ftp://example.com,file///:\\\teampass . Please let me know if this is already exist feature.

selva mani 7 years ago 0

hi, could you please allow to save credentials without password required also enable to save non http urls like ftp://example.com,file///:\\\teampass . Please let me know if this is already exist feature.

Under review

non permanent saved Salt (Master Key on Login)

Futureweb OG 7 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 7 years ago 3

An Option to don't have the SALT permanently saved on the Server would be really great and increase Security a lot ...

One would enter a Master-Pass on Login - which is used (as part) of the SALT ...

bye from Austria

Andreas Schnederle-Wagner


How to integrate with Active Directory

Lawrence 7 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 7 years ago 1

Hi,  I have a windows install of TeamPass and would like to integrate with Active Dir users

Can some one please help with instructions.

I tried the LDAP settings but it didnot seem to pick the users up.  Eg did not work.



How to change to use HTTPS on Windows Teampass server

Lawrence 7 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 7 years ago 1

Hi, I have windows Teampass server running on Standard HTTPS..

I would like to swap it to be using  HTTPS,   

Is there any instructions on how to do this.