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Change database password whith encryption

amelie-excent 5 years ago updated by Steve Shipway 5 years ago 1


At the moment, I think the only way to change the database password is in the settings.php files.

But contrary to fresh install, the password is not encrypted.

It would be good to add a functionnality in the admin UI to change the database password with encryption.


Best regards


Rotate secret database encryption key

Steve Shipway 5 years ago 0

The database is encrypted using the secret key held in the configuration directory.  However there is no way to rotate this key if we want to change it - such as after a Systems Administrator leaves the company.

It would be useful to have a utility that

* Generates a new secret key

* Decrypts the database and re-encrypts with the new secret key

This would allow us to rotate the key on a regular basis (say, yearly) to protect against loss of the master key.

Similarly, it would be good for individual users to be able to change their own private salt key and automatically re-key their existing records to this new key.


Colaboration with Catalan language

Eduard 5 years ago 0

Hello Nils,

I would like to contribute to POEdit Catalan language. How can I do it?




Empty item URL automatically fills with 'https://'. It must remains empty.

izomorph 6 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 6 years ago 2

Maybe there is some issue in php code.


getting all items from folders and subfolders

Lenwe606 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 0

I'm writing an application where I getting all items from teampass through the API

I have a case where some folder have subfolder (and in those subfolder are items stored) and I need te get all the subfolder wsith only the ID of the main folder.

Is this possible or can it be made possible?


QUESTION: User left the company, leaving some items encrypted. How to retrieve those items?

njokanovic 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 5

Image 9

Please advise how to resolve such an issue. Thanks.


How modify colour background

Ema 6 years ago updated by Steve Shipway 6 years ago 1

Hi, may you help me to understand how modify the default gray colour of background?

Thanks a lot!


password assigned to 2 people, only 50% shown to each

lissandro sosa 6 years ago updated by Steve Shipway 6 years ago 1

I think it would be good
to add the functionality that passwords that were registered in
teampass, could be assigned to only be shown 50% of the password to a
specific role, the other 50% to another role and the total (100%) to another role.

as shown:
Master role: qazwsxedc123

Role 1: qazwsx ******
Rol2: ****** edc123

This would allow double custody for the password where users can not access 100% of the password to access with the user.


masked multiline custom field

userecho com 6 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 6 years ago 2

We have config snippets (JSON/XML), a bunch of license keys or multi line licenses.

So we need masked multi line fields for this.


Selective visibility of an items fields based on Group/User

Steve 6 years ago updated by smh 6 years ago 3

The ability to restrict being able to view the password in an item, but not the rest of the information of that item would be a welcome addition.

In my use case, lower level technicians need to know information about a server, e.g. IP address, hostname, services, etc; but do not require to know the password itself to that server. I would like to be able to give them access to the auxiliary information without giving them the password.

Thank you,