Welcome to Teampass Feature Requests place

Please consider:

  • using "New Feature" ONLY
  • performing a search before creating a new request
  • voting for the request you would like to see implemented

Thank you for your participation to this project.

Bug report MUST be performed in Github.

Any other topic is performed in Reddit


Allow uploads to be stored within the database and/or within an S3 bucket

askmike1 4 years ago 0

It would be a beneficial feature to be able to store attachments/uploads in the database and/or natively upload to/download from an S3 bucket instead of storing locally


Date Fields are VARCHAR instead of INT or TIMESTAMP

askmike1 4 years ago 0

Is there a reason that the date fields on the various log tables are set to VARCHAR instead of INT or TIMESTAMP? Seems like the latter two would make more sense.


Use API to Generate One Time View Link

askmike1 4 years ago 0

In our use of teampass, we have a case where we would like to use the API to generate a one-time-view link. We have implemented via the following

In api/functions.php within `restGet` function above `} elseif ($GLOBALS['request'][0] == "add") {` (line 874)

// ******************************************************
// ******************************************************
} elseif ($GLOBALS['request'][0] == "generate") {
if($GLOBALS['request'][1] == "otv") {
/* EDITED */
$item = $GLOBALS['request'][2];

global $server, $user, $pass, $database, $pre, $db, $port, $encoding;
include_once '../includes/config/tp.config.php';
require_once $SETTINGS['cpassman_dir'].'/includes/config/settings.php';
require_once $SETTINGS['cpassman_dir'].'/includes/config/include.php';
require_once $SETTINGS['cpassman_dir'].'/sources/SplClassLoader.php';
require_once $SETTINGS['cpassman_dir'].'/sources/main.functions.php';

require_once $SETTINGS['cpassman_dir'].'/includes/libraries/Database/Meekrodb/db.class.php';
$pass = defuse_return_decrypted($pass);
DB::$host = $server;
DB::$user = $user;
DB::$password = $pass;
DB::$dbName = $database;
DB::$port = $port;
DB::$encoding = $encoding;
DB::$error_handler = true;
$link = mysqli_connect($server, $user, $pass, $database, $port);

// delete all existing old otv codes
$rows = DB::query("SELECT id FROM ".prefix_table("otv")." WHERE timestamp < ".(time() - $SETTINGS['otv_expiration_period'] * 86400));
foreach ($rows as $record) {
DB::delete(prefix_table('otv'), "id=%i", $record['id']);

// generate session
$otv_code = GenerateCryptKey(32, false, true, true, false);
'id' => null,
'item_id' => $item,
'timestamp' => time(),
'originator' => intval($_SESSION['user_id']),
'code' => $otv_code
$newID = DB::insertId();

$otv_session = array(
"code" => $otv_code,
"stamp" => time()

if (!isset($SETTINGS['otv_expiration_period'])) {
$SETTINGS['otv_expiration_period'] = 7;
$url = $SETTINGS['cpassman_url']."/index.php?otv=true&".http_build_query($otv_session);
$exp_date = date($SETTINGS['date_format']." ".$SETTINGS['time_format'], time() + (intval($SETTINGS['otv_expiration_period']) * 86400));
$element_id = "clipboard-button-".mt_rand(0, 1000);

$json['url'] = $url;
$json['expiration'] = $exp_date;
if (isset($json) && $json) {
echo json_encode($json);
} else {
rest_error ('EMPTY');

// ******************************************************
// ******************************************************

More passwords for one item

Roman Šidleja 4 years ago 0

I would like to use teampass for storring account usernames and passwords for running services on computers, but the computer has more usernames and passwords for diferent services.

For example:

Computer named Server1

  • Service SSH with username: blabla and password blabla
  • Service FTP with username: ftp and password ftp
  • Service DB with username: admin and password dbpasswd
  • Service VNC with password blabla

Is it possible to add more fields with username and password for more services in the section Password & Visibility?

Image 45



easy and secure Messages

chris 5 years ago 0

Dear Nils,

often, i have a customer, and the customer just want to tell me a password, but it is only once, and i dont want to give a TeamPass-Login, just for this case.

Then, he's doing that on SMS, Email, telephone, or whatever.

would that feature be a idea?:

In The app, there could be a page, secured just by captcha (no login required), and a message-field, where the user can post. Then its transmitted secure (https). When i log in TeamPass, i can see the new posts?
.. and nice-to-have: In case, a Notification could be desplayed on my screen



Add instructions for FreeBSD OS.

mzs_47 5 years ago 0


First, thanks a lot for the Free/Libre software, it was simple compared to sysPass to install and configure!

I blogged about this for FreeBSD 12 => https://kgibran.wordpress.com/2019/10/13/teampass-installation-on-freebsd-12-with-php-7-4/

I hope these steps can be added to the official documentation, if necessary I can send a PR, do let me know.

Also, tThe official documentation needs to be updated for Debian 10, the php packages are 7.3 and some packages have been dropped in this version of PHP, like deprecation of mcrypt.


Convert teampass structure to a more modern (for example symfony or laravel)

Pawel 5 years ago 0

Now teampass has a unique structure. This creates difficult for new developers to enter. Do you consider changing the structure of teampasses to more similar to such large projects as Laravel or Symfony. Potentially, this will simplify the entry of new developers and simplify the writing of new code (due to standardization and the possibility of reusing ready-made components).


Add option for "PEM files" when add new item in a folder

chiv0rz 5 years ago updated by Steve Shipway 5 years ago 1


It would be great if you add the option to store PEM files, in addition to classic user/password item


Add "you're not allowed to do that" to KB-Post

michelle schink95 5 years ago 0


I'd like to request the Feature, that you'll get a "you're not allowed to do that" information, when you start to change an Article. (because if you open an KB Article, you'll be thrown into the edit-segment of the post...)