Your comments

I've added function "folder_descendants" inside the API.

Call used: <url to teampass>/api/index.php/read/folder_descendants/<id OR title>/<folder_id OR folder_title>?apikey=<valid api key>

Example: will return all folders from root.

Notice that it returns itself too.

Only tested with ID for now

There is only one place for Teampass doc =>

Hello Chris

Yes the doc is correct.

Currently the api only has those features detailed in this doc.

I have planned to work on it to improve the possibilities but I'm lacking time.

In the mean time, you can use feature "userfolders". Just create a dummy account that has access to all folders and run <url to teampass>/api/index.php/read/userfolders/<user's login>?apikey=<valid api key>

Please list all the feature that would be useful for your use cases. Add some details so that I understand the purpose.

Thank you

Please use correct forum.

Bugs => Github

Help => Reddit

Features Request => Here

Please use Github for issues

Thank you.

Can you please give more details because I don't get the interest of this?

This is a tricky point.

I fully understand your point. But in term of security it is not a good practice as an administrator will have access to all folders (excluding personal ones of course).

Currently a work around exists that allows Admin user to have access to folder.

Please read

But in such case, you take your responsibility.

No restriction is possible to an admin user.
