Under review


Emiliano Heras 8 years ago updated 6 years ago 3


Actually users cannnot apply categories to folders that they have created (or I don't know how ...). That's quite annoying, as adding custom fields to a record can be only made using categories, and only the administrator can link the categoriey to the folders.

It would be better to create templates that users can apply to created folders to add the custom fields without requesting it by the administrator. Templates should also contain none (standard), one or more categories.

I. ex.:

When adding a new folder, the user has to set the standard settings (name, parent folder, password complexity) plus additionally define the template to use.

Thanks in advance and kind regards

Emiliano Heras

Under review


I will evaluate

This would be useful.  The template would be an "item type" and could add custom fields and even conceal others.  That way you could have a "server password" type, that conceals the URL field; or a "SSL Certificate" type which conceals username but allows attached files.  This is similar to the way that Thycotic Secret Server works


a long time has passed since the last update. Any news on this feature request?

Thanks and best regards :)