Under review
Identity Management
I'm not sure, if it is usefull. But as all credentials are stored within Teampass, it could be usefull to collect data of who uses them. So you can notify anyone, that the credential will expire or has been changed. It even ist easy to find who knows which credentials and change in case this person leaves the organisation.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I think that this is partially taken into consideration.
When a user sees the password, it is logged in the database.
So using the "Views" page, it is possible to do some searches.
Nevertheless it could be improved based upon your requests and needs.
You are free to use this post to list in details what are the points that could be implemented to permit a better follow-up.
Today, notification exists and also warnings.
I think that what is missing is a view permitting to list access by users.
Your ideas?
I've been thinking, that the logging could be used for that. However that means, any user needs to use TeamPass actively.
I was more going into the direction add to each entry a list of "using ressources" (e.g. e-mail addresses, source files where the password is used, ...). So when you need to change the password, you can notify all ressources. And the other way around, if one of the ressources gets compromised - you can retrieve a list of all credetials that need changing.
I have been experimenting a little bit with the knowledge base. It gives me a way to add to each ressource Entries. That might do the trick. I'm investigating a little bit more into this direction.
I have been experimenting more into this idea and found that it is a beginning, but lacking a certain sophistication to make it really usefull.
It lacks a hierarchy that makes it easier to handle growing structures as well as inheritance.