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Under review

automate backup of encrypted database

kwetiaw 7 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 7 years ago 1

hi there

we are looking into using teampass in our corporate environment and wondering if there's a way to automate a backup with encryption and place them in a location that will be backed up daily by our backup software?

is this possible?


2FA via USB Token

n jonalik 7 years ago 0

Hi there,

I have a question regarding the usage of USB tokens, like flash drives, as a second factor in 2FA. Is that at all possible? I've read trough your documentation, but I wasn't able to find anything. Also, if this doesn't work, can we connect our own SMS service to Teampass for 2FA?

Thank you for your support and developing such an awesome product!


email administrators when certain folders are accessed

Clayton 3 years ago 0

Hi Nil, 

Can we get more granular control over the emails that are generated when a user accesses or views a password so that only passwords in a certain folder trigger emails?


Mirrored Items

geraldocrisostomolucas 3 years ago 0

Sometimes multiple teams must have access to the same item, but not the entire folder. For example, the SysAdmin controls some administrators password which the support/service desk team uses.

So the suggestion is to create the option to mirror items on multiple folder, so as my example above, when the SysAdmin change the password at the Servers folder, he must'nt change also on the Service Desk folder as it would be mirrored.


Replace mcrypt with a current library

bill 4 years ago updated by antonio rao 4 years ago 5

Hi. While digging around to try and fulfill the mcrypt PHP module requirement for a new install of Teampass, I came across the following blog post from 2015 which explains why I am having so much trouble finding a compatible copy of mcrypt to install on my server.


Further digging led to the Wikipedia page for mcrypt where I found this quote...

"The last update to libmcrypt was in 2007,[1] despite years of unmerged patches.[2] These facts have led security experts to declare mcrypt abandonware and discourage its use in new development. Maintained alternatives include ccrypt, libressl, and others.[3]"

Based on this and other pages, it looks like the package managers for my Linux distro (RHEL /CentOS) have started removing the PHP mcrypt module from their repositories. While I find references to the modules from several years ago, the modules are gone now.

While I would like to keep using Teampass, I'm not sure I want to spend the time hunting down the missing module and beating my server over the head until it works.

Are there any plans for replacing mcrypt already in the works? Is this something that might happen soon? I have an old copy of Teampass 2.1.23 running for now but I would like to get it upgraded and move on to a new server before the old one goes EOL.


Option to share passwords between teams

Adriano J. dos Santos 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 0

Opção para compartilhar senha com outro perfil ou com usuário específico (permissões R | R / W). Isso resolve a necessidade de alterar senhas comuns e frequentemente alteradas (política de segurança) por cada equipe (perfil).


play store application

suraj shrestha 4 years ago 0

The Teampass application on the play Store does not work.please make this application usable 


Sortable userlist and sort roles in user account edit by name

Gertfriend 6 years ago 0

Please make the userlist sortable or sort them by Login and

please sort the roles list in user account editing page by Name

Thanks for the great work you do.


Send attachment using One Time View

MikeH 6 years ago 0

It would be great to be able to send a document or image using the One Time View method like we can with the passwords. This would be a great security feature to allow encrypted sending of documents.


search on password

MartinRompie 6 years ago 0


It would be nice if I could search on a specific password. Imagine I used the same password on several sites/webshops and this password is somehow known to somebody else for example if one of the shops is hacked.

It would be nice if I could search on a specific password and teampass shows me al the entries where this password is used.