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Under review

Group Password

Gabriel Virga 7 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 7 years ago 4

I'd like to know if it would be possible to create a Group or Folder Password where all the items under that fold or group would be protected. We would like to make in a way that even administrator can't retrieve the items without the group/folder password.

Under review

Identity Management

5b895086 7 years ago updated 7 years ago 4

I'm not sure, if it is usefull. But as all credentials are stored within Teampass, it could be usefull to collect data of who uses them. So you can notify anyone, that the credential will expire or has been changed. It even ist easy to find who knows which credentials and change in case this person leaves the organisation.


One Time Password (OTP) generator

Drew 1 year ago 0

Many credential management solutions now provide an in product OTP generator.  Would be nice to see this in TP.  


XML item export

Eduardo de Oliveira 1 year ago 0

It would be great if XML would be added as an export format along CSV and PDF.


Gravatar integration

Eduardo de Oliveira 1 year ago 0

It would be great if Teampass would fetch the Avatar of the user from Gravatar if a local Avatar image wasn't loaded. It simply requires use a specific "src" at the "img" tag to the Gravatar servers with the user mail hashed to MD5.


Allow IMAP/POP Login

Eduardo de Oliveira 1 year ago 0

Teampass allow logins using Active Directory (AD) through LDAP, but it would be great if it also supports login by using an IMAP/POP account too. I host my Teampass instance at a shared hosting with no access to our internal AD, so I had to keep a separated user database for my local AD users and Teampass login. DokuWiki offer this kind of authentication through the AuthIMAP plugin, as can be seen here https://github.com/cosmocode/dokuwiki-plugin-authimap


No button to copy 'Email'

pickyusernamepicker 2 years ago 0

In KeePass, if an e-mail address is supposed to be used as a login, you simply need put it into the 'User name' field. TeamPass prefers to use separate 'Account' and 'Email' fields, but only the former sports a copying button ('Copy login'), which mostly defeats the purpose of the latter field.


Forbidden folders shouldn't be shown

pickyusernamepicker 2 years ago updated 2 years ago 2

When you log into a TeamPass instance, you get to see all existing folders, regardless of your access rights. Worse still, all of their subfolders are listed. This isn't a desirable solution. No means no -- if someone isn't permitted to see a folder, they shouldn't be able to see any of it. Currently the access rights cover only the passwords.


How can you change the user limit when AD Sync? it only shows 1000 users

Santiago 2 years ago updated by Eduardo de Oliveira 1 year ago 1

Hi, when i sync AD users, I can only see 1000. How can I change the limit?


Import from csv

sandman42 2 years ago updated by Nils Laumaillé 2 years ago 1


in version 3 there isn't an option for importing from Keepass or .CSV file, as there were in version 2.

Am I wrong?

If not, is it planned?